2 thoughts on “Overview Turtle, fish, crane, bat, pine, bamboo, peach, peony, plum, sword, and firecrackers? Within 1000 words.”

  1. This is the best answer I used to answer others!
    2010-1-4 14:57 Best answer, auspicious Ruyi
    reflecting people's pursuit and wish for a happy life. In the Yupei pattern, it is mainly expressed in dragon, phoenix, Xiangyun, Ganoderma, Ruyi, etc. The jade pendants of this type of pattern are generally suitable for various guests.
    The dragon and phoenix are in Xiangyi Dragon and a phoenix and Xiangyun. The dragon represents the totem tribe of the scales and the phoenix represents the totem tribe of bird animals. The two tribes conflict, Longsheng, merged with phoenix. Since then, the world is peaceful and the grains are rich. Xiangyun represents a good sign, expressing a good wish for the future. Modern the joy of getting married as "Dragon and Phoenix", indicating that the husband and wife festive.
    Nufu welcomes the boy to grab the bat. Meaning, income, acceptance. Hongfu Auspicious came one after another.
    The flowers and hundreds of blessings are composed of cloud patterns and bats. The cloud pattern is like Ruyi and continuous, meaning Ruyi long -lasting; "bat" is "blessed". Symbol of happiness, wishful or happiness.
    The eyebrows on the eyebrows fell on the plum branches. In terms of traditional Chinese customs, magpies are considered auspicious birds that are rewarded. "Eye" and "Mei" are the same. The magpie stood on the plum that the magpie reported the joy, a pair of joy. It refers to the good deeds of people, and they are happy.
    Fu Shou Ruyi bat, small animals and ganoderma. Bats are blessed; small animals are beasts, and the sound is the same as "life", which is the meaning of life; Ganoderma lucidum is the same as ancient times, reflecting the heart. Express happiness, longevity, and everything.
    must be brushes, silver ingots, and wishful. "Pen" harmonious "must" sound, "ingot" sound, and disturbance into the harmonious sound of "must be like wishful", and the apartment must be the wish of the heart of the heart.
    Sanyang Kaitai Sanbao Sheep. Yangyang is auspicious, "Sanyang" is a metaphor for "Sanyang". Kaitai means Kai Kai, indicating that it should be good for good luck. The meaning is to get rid of evil, and good luck.

    2, longevity and blessing
    The main use of Shouxing, Shou Tao, Turtle, Song, Crane, etc. in the jade pattern. Express people's expectations and wishes for health and longevity. The crowd is mainly middle and elderly.
    Samsung Gao Zhao Samsung is the legendary Fuxing, Shouxing, and Lu Xing. They are specializing in the blessing of the world, the official Lu, and life. In the pattern, it is often composed of a longevity, deer, and bat. It symbolizes happiness, richness, longevity.
    The deer and deer, deer, crane. The Tongshu is the sycamore tree, and the "Tong" is the same as "". The same spring is as vitality as spring. Cranes and deer are Rui Beast, Metaphor Lu, Shou. That is, the words of longevity and eternal youth.
    This cranes are old turtles, cranes, Jiyun. According to legend, turtles and cranes have thousands of years of life, which means high life. Similar patterns such as Songhe Yannian.
    Fu Lu Shou Gourd and one of the squirrels or other animals above. "Gourd" means "blessing" and "Lu"; animals are beasts, meaning "Shou". It means the meaning of Fu, Lu, and Shouquan. In addition, Fulu Shou can also be represented by animal animals such as bats, sika deer and squirrels.
    Fu Shou Shuangquan, one bat, two Shoutao, two ancient money. Bats lived in two ancient money, flying with Xiangyun. The patterns show that happiness and longevity are coming with homophonic and symbolic methods, that is, blessing will fall from the sky.
    The blessing in front of an ancient money has one or two bats. The bat means "blessing"; the ancient money has eyes, and "money" and "front" agree.
    The blessing to hold a life of five bats to surround the middle of a life or a life peach. The meaning of the five blessings; one day of life, two -day blessing, three -day Corning, four -day good virtues, and five days of testing. That is to say, one life is hundreds of years, the second seeks to be rich and rich, the third sees auspiciousness and peace, the four seek good and virtue, and the five for the elderly. Five blessings are the most comprehensive understanding of the word "blessing". Once they have "Five Blessings", they are naturally "Shoubi happiness"!

    3, home and Xingwang
    expressing the harmony of the husband and wife and the prosperity of the family. Yu Pei's patterns are mainly expressed in crickets, Titian, white -headed birds, fish, lotus leaves, etc. This type of jade is often given as a wedding gift, or it means that the husband and wife are loving, family and everything.
    Thehe boxes, lotus, ganoderma. The box and the metaphor "Hehe Er Sheng", ganoderma lucidum Ruyi. Refers to personnel harmony, prosperity, prosperity. The box, the lotus and the same sound, the metaphor of the husband and wife is harmonious, and the fish and water are good. Hehe Ruyi imply that the husband and wife are endless.
    The four mascots of the four mascots of Hehe, box, lily, and Wannianqing. Explanation of the wedding couple, He Meimei, a century -old to the old.
    The white -headed wealth white headbird, peony. Chinese folks compare white -headed birds as husband and wife, and old age; peony flowers are rich flowers, which is a precious symbol. The pattern not only expresses the century of love for husband and wife, but also a symbol of precious life.
    Mepatinoma, lotus root and carp. Lotus is the year, and the finger fingers is broken, which is constant every year; fish is more than. Refers to a full food. It means that there is more than Feng Qing and the wealth of life.

    4, tranquility and peace category
    means that people's longing for stability and peace in modern society. The representative Yu Pei pattern is mainly represented by treasure bottle and Ruyi. Wear some people who work or work or live abroad all year round, and entrust their family members to wish him peace of mind.
    Thenian Anan and two quails. The bottle apartment is flat, and the "quilt" is "Ann", which is the sound. Wish everything smooth.
    The wealth and peace insert a peony flower in the vase. Peony is the king of flowers, which means noble and rich. The vase means peace.
    Papon Ping'an firecrackers or bamboo, quail. The sound of firecrackers burst is called "firecracker", which used to expel the ghost with the sound of firecrackers. Express the meaning of dispel evil and pray for tranquility.

    5, career Tengda class
    S symbolizing people's longing and wish for this person's achievement and the future of the career. The representative Yu Pei pattern is mainly expressed in litchi, longan, walnuts, carp, bamboo festivals, etc. Wearing people pay more attention to the realization of personal achievements and self -worth.
    The three yuan lychee, longan, walnut, and fruit are round. "Yuan" and "Yuan" are the same as "Lianzhong San Yuan". It means the first place in the old and township test, the test, and the temple test of the old imperial examination.
    Clavia jumping Dragon Gate Legend that carp can skip the dragon gate. The finger became famous in one fell swoop.
    This champion and first Dai Guan boy holding Ruyi ride on the dragon. Crown and officials. The boy wore the championship and succeeded in the imperial examination. Riding a dragon, like a carp jumping the dragon door and becoming a dragon, it is out of place. The implication of the exam is high and the top of the list.
    This Hou Hang Monkey climbing on the maple tree and hanging on the seal. The "maple" of the maple tree is connected to the sound of "seal", and it is the sealing prize: "Monkey" and "Hou" are the same sound, and the official position; the seal is the official seal. It means that the cause of the cause is Tengda, the meaning of adding officials into the juncture, and reflecting the success of the cause.
    The section high rises to the bamboo festival. Meaning to keep aggressive and up

    6, disaster disaster category
    indicating that people want to live smoothly, smooth career, good health, and wishfulness under a certain god of protection. The representative jade pendant pattern is represented by Guanyin, Buddha, Zhong Yan, Guan Gong, Zhang Fei, etc.
    The saying that there is a saying in the folk, "Male wearing Guanyin and Female", mainly to pray for the blessing of Guanyin and the Buddha for people's body, life and work. When people are sick, they will wear jade Pei such as Zhong Yan, Guan Gong, Zhang Fei, and hope that they can drive away the disease as soon as possible, recover their bodies, and give people a kind of comfort in spirit.
    The traditional Chinese patterns in jade pendants are diverse, with profound meaning and countless. It has a strong connotation of the Chinese jade culture, and it is a brilliance of a glorious garden in Huaxia's traditional culture. Different from other jewelry jewelry, it is that while decorating people, it cares more about people's spiritual feelings, and has become an intuitive material expression of people's spiritual sustenance. In modern times that emphasize personalization and focus on spiritual feelings, wearing jade pendants with rich oriental cultural connotations will better reflect their own personality, taste and national temperament.

    Mepatonic the meaning of jadeite

    . As the saying goes: "jade must be intentional, it must be auspicious." Thousands of years of cultural accumulation and screening, refining may be many beautiful legends, allusions, allusions, allusions, allusions and allusions. , Various exquisite patterns, which provides rich materials for jade carving.

    The jade bracelets are the most expensive and difficult to find in emerald, which means peace. Traditional intelligence believes that wearing jade bracelets can be safe, calm, and peaceful, and is the most natural and simple accessories.

    This on the pendant carving for thousands of years of Ganoderma lucidum, which means everything, that is, the lucky transportation, the savage of the blessing, the blessing life is boundless!

    The auspicious theme: Phoenix and Ruyi, Phoenix, the legendary auspicious bird, there must be happy events everywhere, it comes, sending auspiciousness and wish to the world.

    This, cypress, stone, peach, turtle, crane, etc. indicate longevity;

    bats, bergamot, pot, etc. are blessed;
    n , Spider represents a happy event;

    dramons, phoenixes: The subject matter often appears in jade articles, dragons can eliminate evil and cause blessing, and phoenix is ​​a bird of auspicious auspicious auspicious bird;

    Peony symbolizes wealth;

    Ganoderma lucidum symbolizes Ruyi;

    cats, butterfly harmonic 耄耋, because of the old saying: "seventy, eighty, 耋." ;

    This jujube, and chestnuts mean to have early noble children;

    This, halberd, 磬 音 音 ;, meaning auspicious luck;

    . Bean horns: "Fudou", it is said that bean horns are often used as the cuisine in the temple, and the monk calls it "Buddha beans".

    . Fish: Most of them are called "more than year", carved lotus leaves (lotus), carp (more than), some are rides on carp; some are carved catfish, which means " There are fish every year. "

    three, pepper: implying red fire.

    . Ganoderma, bat, ancient money, ingot, Shou Tao, melon: "Blessing to the soul", carved ganoderma Ruyi (spirit), bat (blessing); Shou); "Blessing in front of the eyes" carved bat (blessing), money (front); if the pattern of Fugua is carved, generally speaking, if it is winter melon, it means "blessing as the East China Sea", the carving is pumpkin, which means "Shoubi Nanshan" Essence

    five, bergamot, gourd: "Fushou" carved Buddhist hand; "Fulu" carved gourd; Because of the different regions and different accents, sometimes bergamot will also explain it as "the pearl on the palm."

    6. Horse, Monkey: "Hou immediately" carved a horse (horse) and one monkey (Hou);

    The most loyal to the other person's creature, if one party is scattered or died, the other will be waiting for each other for life, and never loves to love, so there is a saying in our country as a husband and wife. "Double Huan" carved two tails connected (Huan).

    eight, monkeys, Shou Tao: "Kitzan to Shoushou" Eagle Shou Tao and Little Monkey.

    . Jiu, gourd, corn, pomegranate, grapes: Because they contain multiple images, they are taken as "multi -child and more blessed", "descendants" carved gourd, flower leaves, vine branches , Seed in the gourd, the meaning of the vocal and the harmonious sound. Corn also has a meaning "alarm" in the south.

    This, pine, bamboo, and plum: "High" carved green bamboo; The carved bamboo festival also implies the high rise in step by step, academic success.

    eleven, cicada: Most children wear more, which means "smart".

    . Twelve, cabbage: When it comes to jade, you should first think of the most common cabbage in jade carvings. He means "hundred wealth", which means more rich.

    It 13, 貔貅, Jin Chan: This is the hottest theme today. These two treasures are the spirit beasts of wealth and evil. Jin toad is only the subject of jade carving. He is a toad with three -legged. Because he has the ability to spit money, he has become the ability to recruit money. Golden toads contained in money rushed into the house when they were placed. The golden toad rushed outside the house. The legend is the ninth son of the Dragon King. Because of the characteristics of his only food, you can make money. There is a record on the Hanshu "Western Regions": "Wu Ge Mountain is from the state of peaches, lions, and urine cows." Meng Kang's Note Day: "Tao pull, one day rune, like a long deer tail, unicorn is called Tianlu, and the two corners are called evil spirits."

    It 14, emerald carving Guanyin, Buddha: I often hear the saying of "male wearing Guanyin and female wearing Buddha". In fact, it is not all. Limited. Friends once went to Wutai Mountain for sightseeing, because my friend was a person who loved jade, and asked about the monks on the mountain. The monks talked about Guanyin and the Buddha as men. The wearing of Guanyin and Buddha was not limited. Everyone wears jade is for the sake of good luck, so no matter what the subject you choose is a sincere blessing.

    . Fifteen, persimmons, magpie: The meaning of joy.

    16. Crab: The meaning of the rich world.

    17. Conch, gourd: Because of the storage effect, it can store evil spirits, worsen evil spirits, and can also promote the relationship between husband and wife.

    The dungeon and orchids represent the descendants;

    The meaning of gourd represents the meaning of Fu, Shou, and Lu. The descendants are "carved gourds, flowers, leaves, and vines, and the meaning of the seeds in the gourd, the meaning of the vocal and the martial arts. ;

    The peach represents life, bats represent blessing, and the two usually appear together, which means blessing life;

    blessing is in front of the eyes: the pattern is mainly composed of bats and copper coins, indicating blessings, indicating blessing It is necessary to come;

    Fucheng Tianzheng: The pattern is mainly composed of a bat;

    Jin Yumantang: The pattern is mainly composed of a corn and mouse. In the harvest year, the mouse has the saying of jade and mouse to send wealth. The two have the saying of Jin Yumang together, and goldfish can sometimes be called Jinyu Mantang;

    Common auspicious patterns indicate wealthy life;

    The wealth and peace, peace, blessing, and peacefulness: usually a vase composition. However, other guest patterns usually appear on the vase, such as bats, peony It is the same life that means people's life, and harmony is blessing;

    five blessings are expressed by five bats; The composition of heron and a few bats means the road of p
    eace and happiness;

    Tongtong: consisting of emerald single -grained balls or long beads (commonly known as beer bucket beads), coupled with simple case The rope or K gold chain (because when wearing it on your hand or on the neck, it can turn back and forth, also known as the wealth), and some beads are usually carved with copper coins patterns. The implication is very good;

    It jade mouse to send wealth: usually one or more mice and copper money or ingot. It is said that the mouse was one of the wealthy children of the God of Wealth. Being degraded as a mouse, so there is the saying of jade mouse to send wealth;

    鸳: The picture is usually composed of crickets, lotus flowers, and lotus leaves, indicating that the husband and wife get along with each other ;

    Mlasm and grapes: The meaning of more child and more blessings;

    Profeng: It means that the career is booming and the meaning of step by step;

    safe Deduction: The shape of the safe deduction is very similar to the shape of the copper coins in ancient times. It is said that the bronze coins can avoid evil and protect the peace, but wearing copper coins is not very beautiful, so there is a safe buckle in the jade, which is both beautiful and good;

    The four seasons Ping An buckle: consisting of a single four seasons pods, usually there will be bats on the edge of the bean pods, the origin of Ping An Bean, The monks of the temple in ancient times usually make this kind of pods as the main dish. Over time, people call the four seasons of Ping An beans;

    Dark Babao: Citrus Li's gourd and Lu Dongbin's sword of the sword , Han Zhongli's fan, Zhang Guo Lao's fish drum, He Xiangu's fence, Lan Caihe's yin and yang board, Han Xiangzi's flower basket and Cao Guo's horizontal flute, are said to avoid evil spirits and auspicious;
    n n n n n n n n n n n R N Longsheng Jiuzi: Long Sheng Jiuzi, each has its own good. The nine sons of the nine sons are called prison cows, happy music, squatting on the piano head; Covering the knife ring and the horn handle swallowed; the third child is called a ridicule, and the life is good in life. The sound is far away; the five sons (suan ni), the shape is like a lion, and the smoke is good to sit on the incense burner's feet, and then swallowed the fog; the six sons are dominated by*屃 (bi xi), which looks like a turtle. Teeth, like load, turtles under the monument; Qizi 狴犴 (BI GAN), looks like a good lawsuit, and the prison door or the official sides of the government is similar; On top of the head; Lao Jiuji (Chi) kiss, also known as 鸱 鸱 or chi (chi) kiss, and his mouth is rough and swallowed, and then it becomes a spine beast at both ends of the spine of the temple, and the fire extinguishes the disaster.

    Kirin: Ancient legendary auspicious god beasts, male is Qi, female is Lin, its body is like elm, cattail, wolf hoof, a horn. It can also avoid evil blessings. It is an important subject in jade carvings.

    Bamboo plum double joy: The picture is based on bamboo, plum blossoms and a pair of magpies, as Li Bai poems said: " Making green plums, staying for thousands of miles together, two little guesses. "Describe a pair of young children's innocent playful scenes. There are three friends with plum blossoms, pine, and bamboo.

    dragon and phoenix -power; butterfly -immortal; bat -blessing; cicada -regeneration; pig -rich; fish Huaolong -transformation; catfish -more than year; toad (Fish) Manchuria; sheep -auspiciousness; knowing -homework progress; gourd -magic; bamboo festivals -rising rising; bergamot -blessing; Qinglian -clean; litchi -litchi -liberal city open; peach -longevity; pomegranate -multi -child -child -multi -child Duo Sun; cabbage -innocent heir home; gossip -natural power; Tai Chi -harmony of yin and yang; longevity -longevity and no old; joy characters -Jiqing; shoes- (harmony) everything is smooth.

    The clever combination of a certain scene is carved on the jade piece, making the image space more wide and rich. The themes are:
    The fish jumping Dragon Gate -turbulent water flowing fish upside down. Seeing that Longmen is close at hand, which is said to "pass the test, worth hundred times."
    The sealing Hou immediately -the little monkey sitting on the horse's back, seemingly proud, indicating that "it will enter the appearance" not far away.
    Buchi to the eyes -bat mouth biting copper coins, meaning "good things"
    joy and joy -shaped like bear, pigs, and magpies, indicating that happiness and laughter often open.
    Hirgling eyebrows -magpie stands on the plum blossom rod, describing happiness.
    The wealthy years -Furong, osmanthus, Wannian, Changhong endlessly.
    The peaceful Anan -vases and quails.
    The year of Ping An -A few spikes in the vase, and there are quail standing next to it.
    The years of Ruyi -Lotus lotus is carved on the jade parts, and it is unsatisfactory, personnel, and unpleasant.
    It more than year -year -there is water and fish under the lotus leaf of lotus, it is difficult to get rich.
    The young master -big lion and little lion, who came to imply the official name of ancient times, looking at the son of the dragon to look at the female.
    Hehe Erxian -one hand with the two children with a lotus and one hand holding the box, Hehe and the same sound, bless your family, husband and wife.

    Ilistence Ruyi class

    The dragon, phoenix, plum (homophonic), magpie, cloud pattern (shaped like Ruyi, continuous), Samsung (Fu, Lu, Shou),, Shou),), Fu, Lu, Shou),,),), Fu, Lu, Shou),,),), Fu, Lu, Shou),, Shou),,),), Fu, Lu, Shou),, Shou),,),), Fu, Lu, Shou),, Shou),), Fu, Lu, Shou),, Life), Samsung (Fu, Lu, Shou), Life), Samsung (blessing, Lu, Shou), Samsung), Samsung (blessing, Lu, Shou),, Shou),, Shou),,),), Fu, Lu, Shou). Pen, catfish (more than in the harmonious year), bat (same blessing, blessing) ancient money (before, in front of the eyes) double money (harmonious doubles) Shou Tao (peach shape is like heart), etc. Slightly eyebrows, Liuyun Baifu, Samsung Gao Zhao, must be wishful, Fuchen Tianzheng, Fushou's eyes, Fu Shou Shuangquan, Fu Zhi Xinxin and so on.

    In safety category

    In: bottle, ganoderma (Ruyi), deer, quail (harmony), persimmon (harmonious things), ears, bamboo, bat, etc. : Ping An Ruyi, safe all the way, peace of mind, everything, all things, all things, blessing Ruyi, Zhu Bao Ping An and other intentions.

    The forward category

    The use of magpie, Guiyuan, and Yuanbao to express the three yuan.

    The on the same stage: The implication of the same stage, Pingping said that the four seas rose flat.

    This with bamboo symbolizes the beautiful future and rises.

    It lotus to represent a clean product.

    The eggplant looks like a high crown to indicate that the senior officials are won.

    The protection of evil protection

    The zodiac signs, Guanyin, Buddha, animal face pattern (ribbon, dragon pattern, ghost head, tiger head), gourd (sound the same sound Fushou), in addition, the gourd mouth is fat, hanging in front of the body, which can resolve the metaphor of various different evil spirits.

    The themes of jadeite pendants are many. The most popular themes are "Fu Doudou". It is carved into bean horns with emeralds. It is said that bean horns are often used as "Buddha beans" in the temple. "More than years", carved lotus leaves (lotus), carp (more than), and some of them are ride on carp; Emerald pepper means booming. "Blessing to the soul", carving ganoderma Ruyi (spirit), bat (blessing); "Fu Shou" carved bat (Fu), Shou Tao (Shou); "Fu in front of the eyes" carved bat (blessing), money (front); "Fu Shou" sculpture Fozard; "Fulu" carved gourd; "Fulu Shou" carved gourd (Fulu), Little Beast (Shou). "Hou Hou" is carved with a horse (horse) and one monkey (Hou) (Hou); "Double Huan" carved two tails connected (Huan); "macaques". The "descendants" carved gourds, flowers and leaves, and vines. "High
    " carved green bamboo;

  2. Within 1000 words. Essence Essence Essence Essence
    Turtles: longevity, more children. So there are more turtles appearing in the shrine. Such as the pillar base of the ancestral hall.
    fish: homophonic. There are more than year. Or there are more than a year after years (lotus, sticky fish painting together) or red golden carp, which is called splendid.
    bats: homophonic. Same blessing. In the middle of the life, five bats are often appeared on the jade on the side. There are also gold and silver, ceramics, etc. For the five blessings.
    cranes: longevity, clear rhyme.
    : Longevity, strong, unyielding.
    Bamboo: Clear, tough, festivals, humbly. Gentleman.
    peaches: longevity, avoid evil.
    Peony: rich, peaceful.
    Mei: Festive, strong virginity, rewarding spring, rich years.
    Sword: Although it is a weapon. But people with swords seem to be more elegant. Avoid evil. The ancients believed that in the sword hanging hall, it could lower the demon and remove the demon. At first it was Tao Mu, then a sword, and later the sword.
    The firecrackers: exorcism, festive.

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