wholesale gold jewelry in new york What is the golden color loss?

wholesale gold jewelry in new york

1 thought on “wholesale gold jewelry in new york What is the golden color loss?”

  1. cameo wholesale jewelry There are three reasons for the fading of gold: 1. The golden color is insufficient, and it is easy to fade with the external material reactions; 2. Gold plating, gold -plated fake charges will fade after long -term wearing; 3. Due to corrosion of gold, it will be contaminated with human oil and sweat for a long time, causing gold mercury alloy to fade. The fading of gold may be the cause of insufficient color. Strictly speaking, it is not a real gold. If the golden color of gold is not high and is easily affected by the outside world, it will have a chemical reaction with some substances, resulting in fading. The fading of gold may be the cause of gold plating. Many gold products are now imitation products. A layer of gold is plated on the surface, and it is difficult to distinguish between true and false, but this kind of gold will fade after a long time.

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