3 thoughts on “What gifts are good for Mother's Day?”

  1. You can fold some carnations and give it to her mother, or buy it for her, and give her beautiful clothes.
    No matter what you send, she sees your sincerity, your filial piety. Therefore, as long as she helps her mother to do housework and help her reduce the burden, she will naturally see your sincerity. Happy holidays of all mothers in the world!

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  3. 00:00 / 00: 1470% shortcut keys to describe space: Play / suspend ESC: exit full screen ↑: increase volume 10% ↓: reduced volume decrease by 10% →: single fast forward 5 seconds ←: single fast retreat 5 seconds Press hold up and hold it up. Here you can drag no longer appear in the player settings to reopen the small window shortcut key description

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