5 thoughts on “What gift is good for friends to get married?”

  1. 1. Sending friends to get married, it depends on your friend's age, gender, and identity. In short, the key to giving gifts is attentive, and it is best to be practical and aesthetic. Now some Chinese -style gifts are more popular, Chinese elements are prominent, cultural connotation, and in line with Chinese customs, it can also show your intentions and tastes.

    2, for example, we often recommend it to customers, men's favorite joy, Chinese red porcelain tea set, red porcelain Tang dressing tea set, lady's gold jewelry box, rich and rich Lianzhi Yunjin shawl, Scarf and so on, four -piece satin (dragon and phoenix peony) on the wedding bed, as well as the cute series of Tang costumes, teddy bear to bear dolls, etc., are very popular, festive, tasteful, meaningful.

  2. Is the money for the money? Ms. Give the newlywed or cute doll for men should be used by the newly used dolls. Decide according to your relationship with your friends

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