Several praises are equal to one heart, several hearts are equal to one drill, and several drills are equal to a crown

3 thoughts on “Several praises are equal to one heart, several hearts are equal to one drill, and several drills are equal to a crown”

  1. 4 points-10 points, one star, 11 points-40 points, two stars, 41 points, Samsung 91 points-150 points, 151 points, five-star 251 points, one diamond 501 points, two diamonds, 1001 points-2000-2000 Divide three diamonds 2001 points-5000 points, four diamonds, 5001 points-1000 points, five diamonds, 10001 points, one crown 20001 points, two crown 50001 points, three crown 100001 points-200000 points, four crown 200001 points-500000 points Five crown

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