5 thoughts on “Ma5 ma10 meaning in Chinese”

  1. MA is the meaning of the average line
    MA5, MA10 is the 5 -day average and 10 -day average. For a short -term moving average, it is the reference indicator of the short -term operation of the stock, which can more correctly reflect the changes and trends of the average cost of the stock price in the short term.
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    The average line was proposed by the famous US investment expert Joseph E.Granville (Grandi, also translated into Grandwell) in the middle of the 20th century. The moving average theory is one of the most common technical indicators in today's applications. It helps traders confirm the existing trend, judge the trend of the emergence, and discover the upcoming trend of excessive extension.
    The average line common lines are 5 days, 10 days, 30 days, 60 days, 120 days, and 240 days. Among them, the short -term moving average of 5 days and 10 days is the reference indicator of short -term operations, called the daily moving average indicator; 30 days and 60 days are the mid -term moving average indicators, called the quarterly moving average indicator; Long -term moving average indicators are called annual moving average indicators. The test of the mobile average is generally performed from several aspects.
    The most commonly used method for the average line is the relationship between the moving average of the securities price and the securities itself. When the price of securities rises and higher than its mobile average, a purchase signal is generated. When the price of securities fell, below its mobile average, the selling signal was generated.

  2. MA is the meaning of the average line. MA5 is the average line of 5 days or the weighted average price of everyone traded within 5 days ~ MA10 is 10 days ~
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  3. MA: MOVING AVERAGE, moving average, referred to as moving average. MA is the sum of the closing price of a certain period of time. In addition to this cycle, the time cycle is the parameter of MA.

    MA5 and MA10 refers to the mobile average of 5 days and 10 days. For a short -term moving average, it is the reference indicator of the short -term operation of the stock, which can more correctly reflect the changes and trends of the average cost of the stock price in the short term.

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