1 thought on “Gold market price and simple authentic identification method”

  1. Since ancient times, many people have been interested in gold, such as gold that can be sparkling. Whether in the past or in the 21st century today, gold has always been a long -lasting topic. According to the texture and purity of different gold, their prices are extremely significant. The price of gold has been changing with the fluctuations of the market, and almost always changes. Let us come to understand some of the appraisal methods of gold and the general market price of gold.

    The simple identification method of gold
    1. The higher the purity of the gold jewelry by looking at the color of the color Deep, when comparing without gold, you can use a certain color to determine the purity of replacement. The color of the gold is generally more than 95%when the color is dark yellow; if the color is light red yellow, the purity is between 90--95%; the color of the gold is pale yellow, so the purity is 80--85%; if It is blue and yellow, and the purity is 65-70%; if it is white with white light, its purity is only 50--60%; if it is slightly yellow and white, the purity is less than 50%.

    . The golden
    , the higher the hardness of the gold
    , the lower the hardness of the gold. When choosing gold, you can determine the authenticity of gold by looking at the softness of gold. This is a relatively simple method of educating, but the accuracy of gold that is measured by this method is not high.
    3. The authenticity of gold through the sound
    real gold with more than 99%of the purity will make a tap sound when throwing it on the ground, sound but no rhyme and can not play it. The golden sound of gold or low -colored gold is crispy without dullness. Generally, the sound of "Dangdang" will be made. After landing, it will beat violently.

    The market price of gold
    The price of gold changes greatly. Because the price of gold will not only be affected by raw materials, but also affected by market demand. When the demand is increased, the price of gold will increase the market price of gold. Not only that, the fluctuation of gold prices will also be affected by the cash in some markets.
    India is a consumption of gold. In a large country, the market volume of this country will have a certain impact on the price fluctuations of gold. Some demand for gold in India may promote the fluctuation of the prices of gold in the market.
    The price of gold is roughly 267.65 yuan per gram.
    Gold is not just a rare metal. It can be made into a variety of jewelry and is loved by people. If it is just a simple gold, it will not be higher than the processed gold jewelry. Gold jewelry can reflect the golden light under the light. This rare and beautiful gold jewelry has always been loved by people. The price of gold will fluctuate with the market. Understanding some of the identification methods about gold and some analysis of the market price of gold can effectively help you choose a more suitable time to buy gold or your favorite gold processing products.

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